Tuesday, June 15, 2010


BEFORE watching the movie "Run Fatboy, Run!" I had no word for that fight your body gives when you first start eating right and working out properly. When your body just wants to quit and is letting you know it in ALL KINDS OF WAYS. Fatigue, panting like Fido, limbs won't move,etc. There was a part in the movie where the main character just COULDN'T go on and they showed him standing in front of a brick wall 10 miles from the finish line. He had to break through this wall (mentally) before he could continue on to the end of the race. And thus mustering all his might, he did just that.

I hit my wall yesterday at 29:38 on the treadmill. After doing the Couch to 5k Training (my warm-up) I was at about a 2.5 Incline going only about 3.0 (treadmill speak). It was that exact time that I wanted to quit. My body realized what I was trying to do and it was going to sabotage any effort I made to keep going lol. I stopped breathing correctly, my legs hurt, arms hurt, hell my ENTIRE BODY WAS ON FIRE. SO I paused the workout, took a sip of water, thought about this dress I have to wear for my friend's wedding in October, took a BIGGER sip of water and started that damn thing RIGHT BACK UP! \o/ Victory is MINE!!

NOW this is what "the wall" really is: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marathon#Glycogen_and_.22the_wall.22

Monday, June 14, 2010

The Beginning

Like, I can blame my fatness on a WHOLE BUNCH OF SHIT. Parents, boyfriends, stress, school, blah blah blah. Eff all that. We are grown around these parts and keeping it 100 is what I do best. So I take full responsibility for my actions.

Now with THAT said lol, there are probably more than a few instances where... let's just say my BRAIN didn't conjure a solution to an issue fast enough and food was always RIGHT THERE.

One particular instance, and I'm sure more than a LOT of ya'll will agree, a broken heart will make you do some of your WORST EATING O.M.G. Try a full Chinese take out dinner and I'm talking good old fashioned AMERICAN Chinese, grease and eggs and deep fried dumplings and crab rangoon, EASILY a 2,000+ calorie meal...every night... for a month... after midnight... then sleep.
I gained 40 pounds in less than two months.

Freshman 15? yea NO try Senior 60. That was 2003.

I've tried everything under the sun to kick start this weight loss journey, the Lemonade cleanse, the green tea cleanse, the sea salt and water cleanse. I even thought certain days of the week held bad energy for beginning work outs lol. ANY excuse I could tell myself, or someone else...

But no more excuses, no blaming anyone, hell I wanna shop at H&M too lol, I am a fashionista at heart and the 3 stores I am currently limited to shopping at, Lane Bryant, Torrid and Ashley Steward are just not enough anymore. I'm trying to rock some stilettos without having my ankles look like this chick here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0eINGyJHz8&feature=related
